Imprint and Disclaimer

Funding bodies Version 1.x

Funding bodies Version 2.x

Partner institutions:


There is no warranty for the availability and correctness of this web-tool and it's contents.
You use this tool on your one risk! The persons who are involved in the development and/or
coordination of this software can not be held responsible for the liability of any damage or
disadvantages that might be caused by this tool and service.

v2.x Falko Glöckler (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)
v2.1 Thomas Pfuhl (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)
v1.x Falko Glöckler (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)
v1.x Franck Theeten (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium)
Scientific coordination:
v2.x Falko Glöckler (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)
v1.x Dr. Jana Hoffmann (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)

GPL v3 The software BioCASe Monitor Service is available under GNU General Public License (